You can contact us by;

Telephone: 0141 941 2929 (24 hour voicemail facility and referral hotline option 1)
Text Message: 07848042521

We will respond to your enquiry as soon as we can. However, the office is closed at the weekend. The links below are helpful for emergency situations or more information on where to access support.

Online Mental Health Support and Phonelines
Emergency Support
If you, or someone you know, need an immediate response call the emergency services on 999.

Suicide Prevention Helplines
Breathing Space offers a confidential helpline for anyone living in Scotland that feels low in mood, anxious, or depressed. Call 0800 83 8587 for free or visit the website to use their online webchat. Open Monday to Thursday, 6pm to 2am. Open Friday to Sunday, 6pm to 6am. Find out more on the Breathing Space website.
The Samaritans
For everyone. Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 for free.
NHS 24
For everyone – open 24 hours. Phone: 111 and choose the mental health option.
For children and young people under 19 – open 24hours. Phone: 0800 1111.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
For men – open 5pm to midnight every day. Phone: 0800 58 58 58
Switchboard LGBT+
For anyone who identifies as LGBT+ – open 10am to 10pm everyday. Phone: 0300 330 0630

Useful Websites